Operation and Maintenance of Hydro Tunnels
Nepal is a nation of over 27 million people. Despite its numerous river valleys, over recent decades several regions of the country have been faced with water shortages. Long, dry winters, coupled with water infrastructure that is inadapted to the needs of an ever-increasing urban population have led to a severe lack of water in some areas.
Underground Space Use and Tunnel Project Management
At the request of Athi Water, (established under the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of Kenya), the ITACET Foundation organized a one-day training session on the topic of Underground Space Use and Tunnel Project Management, held in Nairobi on the 7th December 2018.
The Management of User Safety in Underground Railway Facilities
Sharing Experience on the Construction of Long Tunnels at Great Depth
“Sharing Experience on the Construction of Long Tunnels at Great Depth” was the topic of a two-day training session organized by the ITACET Foundation, which took place on June 20th-21st 2018 at the University of Savoie, Le Bourget du Lac, France.
WTC 2018: Main Opportunities and Technical Issues in Tunnelling
Over the years, the short course organized by the ITACET Foundation within the scope of the annual World Tunnel Congress has become a tradition, providing young underground engineers with the chance to benefit from the knowledge and experience of some of the most respected experts within the International Tunnelling Association. This year saw the 9th such course take place in Dubai on 21st and 22nd April 2018.
Structural Use of Fibre-reinforced Concrete in Precast Segments
Over the last two decades, the use of Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC) in tunnelling has progressed considerably and has proven to have numerous advantages. Within this scope, the ITACET Foundation and the French Association of Tunnels and Underground Space (AFTES) held a highly successful one-day training session on the Structural Use of Fibre-reinforced Concrete in Precast Segments" in Paris on 6th April 2018.
Underground Space Use
The Tunnelling Association of Nigeria (TAN) took the opportunity of its 2nd Annual Tunnelling and Underground Space conference to organize a seminar on "Underground Space Use" in collaboration with the ITACET Foundation. This seminar took place on the first day of the conference (21st March 2018) in Abuja, Nigeria, and was open to professionals in the fields of engineering , geo sciences, architecture, urban and regional planning, legal and project finances, as well as to students and policy makers.
Control and Monitoring of Tunnels and Underground Space
The ITACET Foundation and the Druk Green Power Corporation Limited (DGPC) collaborated to conduct a training session on the “Control and Monitoring of the Construction of Tunnels and Underground Space” on November 27th & 28th 2017 in Thimphu, Bhutan.