
The ITACET Foundation, ITA-CET Committee and ITA organize every 2nd Tuesday of the month Online Lunchtime Lecture Series.

We host lecturers on different subjects with the aim to keep all those in the field abreast of new ideas and technologies, and to provide training on important subjects.  We want to make tunnelling and underground space education accessible to everyone and we believe that online training such as this is a way to do that.

We bring together top professionals from the ITA’s Working Groups and Committees, as well as industry representatives and project owners.

The session last 1,5 hour and begins at 13:00 CET time.  It is composed of a presentation by an ITA lecturer, case studies and a dedicated Q&A and discussion session.

Registration for the sessions is required, but is free of charge. The link to register each month is on the ITACET Foundation website, on the ‘Registration’ page.

if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the secretariat:

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  • Amberg Group