The Foundation together with the Riyadh Municipality organized in Riyadh a seminar on "Tunnelling in Limestone".
Introduction and closing remarks were given by the host of this event, H.E Eng. Abdullah Al-Mogbel, Mayor of Riyadh and President of the ITACET Foundation.
This specific training course presented both the basic concepts and principles of tunnel design and construction in limestone strata and karstic ground, and the state-of-the-art technologies available today for managing the risks associated with tunnelling in such conditions.
The ITACET Foundation delegated three lecturers, namely Mssers Felix Amberg (Amberg group engineering Ltd - Switzerland) , Piergiorgio Grasso (GEODATA Spa - Italy) and Harald Wagner (Consulting Engineer - Austria) who delivered ten lecturers on specifics aspects of General, Conventional and Mechanized Tunnelling in Limestone environment and Karst area.
The seminar also welcomed the interventions of manufacturers, Mr. Martin Herrenknecht (Herrenknecht AG- Germany ) and Mr. Dieter Jordan (The Robbins Company - USA) and delegate from EFNARC Mr. Nick CHITTENDEN who gave information about nozzleman certification.
The audience reached 80 participants, attendees of the training session were mostly delegate from Saudi municipalities, but also counted several contractors and consultants from Middle East area.
Lively discussion on subjects brought by the participants signaled a strong interest of the audience for the topics presented.
The promotional leaflet of the event, including the detailed program and foreword from H.E Abdullah Al-Mogbel is available to download >>
ITA Lecturers