Dr. Wout Broere is professor of Underground Space Technology at Delft university of Technology.
His research interests range from trenchless technologies, large diameter tunnelling and the use of underground space to site investigation, physical modelling and offshore foundation engineering. He has been involved as a consultant in various offshore, foundation and major tunnelling projects in the Netherlands and abroad and has worked for the geotechnical software company Plaxis. In 2006 he moved back to university, where he teaches courses on underground space, tunnelling and trenchless technologies.
He has published well over 100 books and papers on these topics and is editor-in-chief for the journal of Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. Dr. Broere is a member of TC204 Underground Construction in Soft Ground, as well as a board member of the International Society for Trenchless technologies ISTT and the Netherlands Society for Trenchless Technologies NSTT. He is currently animateur of WG20 `Urban problems – Underground Solutions’ of the ITA and a member of ITACUS, the Committee on Underground Space and ITA-COSUF, the Committee on Operational Safety in Underground Facilities.