A two-day training session on the subject of “Waterproofing” was held in Santiago, Chile, on the 16th-17th March 2016. The aim of the session, organized by CTES (Comité de Túneles y Espacios Subteráneos de Chile) in collaboration with the ITACET Foundation, was to provide engineers and decision-makes with general information on waterproofing techniques for tunnels and especially long undersea tunnels.
Eleven lecturers from various backgrounds delivered talks to 55 professionals. The training session was opened by the CTES President, Mr Alexandre Gomes, and Mr Christian Ingerslev, member of ITA WG11. After an overview of different waterproofing methods, technical requirements for durability were examined, along with important contractual issues. Case studies provided the attendees with real-life examples of the use of different technical solutions. The session then went on to examine the major issues from the various stakeholders’ point of view and rounded off with an open discussion, giving participants the chance to put their questions to the various lecturers.
ITA Lecturers