The training session organized by the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) and the ITACET foundation gathered 40 participants.
The objective of the course was to introduce the design and construction approaches for tunnelling in urban areas. The two-day program was divided in six session and 16 lectures.
Ten experts delegated by ITA-AITES and participating manufacturers and providers were selected by the ITACET Committee to lecture during the training serssion; namely Messrs Søren Degn Eskesen (COWI, ITA-AITES President), Felix Amberg (Amberg engineering Group), Harald Wagner (Harald Wagner, conculting engineer), Daniele Peila (Politecnico di Torino), Elena Chiriotti (SYSTRA), Tim Babendererde (Babendererde Engineers), Kah Fai Lee (Normet), Eric Leca (SYSTRA, ITA-AITES), Ooi Lean Hock and Gusztáv Klados.
On the first day, Messer Ir. Dr. Ooi Teik Aun & Soren Degn Eskesen welcomed the participants and opened the training session.The three session of the day were on the following topics "general", "mechanized Tunnelling" and "conventional Tunnelling".
The second day started with the session on "risk management" followed by "monitoring" and "Case Histories".
High level of the presentation, very interesting case review and an active participation of the audience insured the success of the training session.
ITA Lecturers