Safe Operation in Railway
and Road Tunnels"
94 Participants
The Ministry of Transport of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia organized a “Seminar for Continuous professional Education” on “Safe Operation of Underground Transportation Infrastructure” .
Hosts and organizers of the event, H.E Eng. Abdullah Al-Mogbel Deputy Minister for Roads of the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia and President of the ITACET Foundation (center) and Abdulrahman Alamri, Ministry for roads of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Left) together (L. to R.) with the deleguates of IRF Louis Ruzzi PIARC Pierre Schmitz, UIC Martin Muncke, ITA Peter Reinke,
The Seminar, co organized with the ITACET Foundation in Riyadh on 25-26 March 2012, gathered 94 participants representing Consulting Engineers, Construction companies, Operators, Municipalities and Ministries coming mostly from Saudi Arabia and Middle East countries.
The objective of the Seminar was to provide an introduction to the state of the art for a safe use of underground transportation infrastructures with an emphasis on railway and road tunnels systems.
Five worldwide experts delivered the lectures detailed in the enclosed programme; three of them were coming from Foundation Sister Organizations:
- IRF, the International Road Federation, represented by Louis RUZZI
- PIARC, the World Road Association, represented by Pierre SCHMITZ
- UIC, the International Railway Union, represented by Martin MUNCKE
- ITA, the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association, was represented, through the ITA-CET Committee on Education and Training, by Felix AMBERG, its treasurer and by Peter REINKE from the ITA Committee on Safety (ITA-COSUF).
The Foundation thanks the lecturers, - L. to R. Mr. F. Amberg (ITA), Martin Muncke (UIC), Pierre Schmitz (PIARC), Louis Ruzzi (IRF) and Peter Reinke (ITA-COSUF) - of the Riyadh training session for their generous donation.
It is important to notice that it was the first time these four major organizations participate together to such an event
The lectures were followed by a very lively discussion with the participants; the final comments were very positive; the participants encouraged the organizers to plan other and longer events on the same topic and also on the Safety at the level of Design, Construction and Maintenance through adapted case studies.
ITA Lecturers