Risk management and design, construction methods, maintenance and rehabilitation
The ITACET Foundation together with the Municipality of Riyadh organized a three-day training session on "Recent developpement in rock tunnelling. Risk management and design, construction methods, maintenance and rehabilitation." held in Riyadh, KSA, 16 to 18 November 2014.
Press release. (Edited by the Municipality of Riyadh)
The closing Ceremony of "The Recent developments in Rock tunneling Seminar" concluded Tuesday 18/11/2014. “The Recent developments in Rock tunneling Seminar" was organized by the Foundation of the Education and Training on Tunnelling and underground Space Use (ITACET), under the auspices of the Riyadh Municipality over three days in Riyadh, KSA.
Tunneling Experts from France, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, United Kingdom, Egypt and Saudi Arabia lectured in the seminar, which was attended by 250 engineers and specialists in the manufacturing and maintenance of tunnels and infrastructure services, from more than 36 government agencies as well as from contracting companies and Engineering consultancy offices.
This session is part of a series of courses and workshops sponsored by the Riyadh Municipality to enhance the knowledge of the municipality staff and others involved from Government and private sectors, and to take advantage of the global developments in various fields of engineering from the lecturers and speakers who came from the different institutions and from the best firms with global experience.
International experts praised the tunnels projects in the holy City of Makkah from the design point of view, Execution, operation & maintenance (both pedestrian and roads tunnels).
Emphasis was placed on the best international standards for the planning and design of the tunnels for road projects, public transport, infrastructure services and methods of execution, and also the advanced drilling equipment, which contributed to the expansion of the execution of the tunnels projects on a global level (especially in cities with high traffic and those with big differences in elevations presence of mountains- rough topography), as well operation & maintenance and rehabilitation of existing tunnels.
At the concluding discussion, it became clear that the design and implementation of tunnels projects is progressing and growing rapidly on both the local and global level and it is worth mentioning the public transport project in the city of Riyadh, which includes approximately 90 km of tunnels works for metro lines.
The conclusion expressed deepest thanks to HE Eng. Abdullah Al Mogbel - Mayor of Riyadh region, for sponsoring this important event. Sponsors and lecturers have been honored by memorial trophies, and all the participants were thanked and awarded certificates of participation.
Pict. (ITACET Foundation) T. to B.
Delegate of the mayor, Mr. Eng. KHALAF Al DALBAHY Director General for Studies and Designs.
Mr. eng. Mustafa ZAKI, general Consultant and project Manager of Makkah Tunnels
ITA Lecturers