The foundation together with AMITOS (La Asociación Mexicana de Ingeniería de Túneles y Obras Subterráneas, A. C organized a training session on"Principles in Tunnelling Design".
The course was very well organized by AMITOS, and gathered a large audience of 250 participants.
The foundation delegated five lecturers, namely Messrs. Felix Amberg, Lars Babendererde, Tarcisio Celestino, Piergiorgio Grasso and Harald Wagner. During the two days of the training session they gave a total of 16 lectures.

srce: CONAGUA :
Comisión Nacional del Agua Mexico
The third day of the session was dedicated to an on site visite of the Mexico Eastern Drainage Tunnel (Túnel Emisor Oriente)
The numerous attendees were very interested by the lectures and the visite; AMITOS and the Foundation are already looking forward organizing the next edition.
Check back our website for the full press release to be published early June.
ITA Lecturers