"Principles of Tunnel Design
and Construction"
60 Participants
November 18 – 19, 2010 - At the request of the Thailand Underground & Tunnelling Group the Foundation prepared a two days training session on "Principles of Tunnel Design and Construction".
More than sixty persons registered for the training session, both from the academical and corporate world.
The Foundation invited two young engineers, one from Laos, one from Myanmar, covering their travel and accomodation expenses. The organizer, TUTG offered them the seminar subscription fees.
Four lecturers from our network, Lars Babenderde, Animateur, International Tunnelling Association WG 14, Mr. Soren Eskesen, Vice President, International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association, Professor In-Moo Lee. President, International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA), Dr. Harald Wagner, Expert to the ITA Executive Council, gave a total of sixteen lectures.
Sessions topics were:
- Introduction and Overview on Tunnel Design and Construction
- Tunneling Methods
- Conventional Tunneling
- Mechanized Tunneling
ITA Lecturers