The ITACET Foundation organized an online training session in collaboration with the ITA-CET Committee and Mutlaq Al Ghowairi for Contracting LTD in Saudi Arabia.
This training session was held over 3 day sessions /13th, 14th and 15th March 2023/ on the topic ‘Planning, construction and operation of common utility corridors’. The objective of this training session was to provide information to engineers, architects, planners, operators and public administrators on the benefits and logistics related to implementing utility corridors in urban areas. Day one provided a general introduction on fundamentals, day two focused on case studies and experience from Prague, France and Singapore and day three dealt with benefits and drawbacks of common utility placement and operation and financing issues. The international speakers came from the Czech Republic, France, Singapore and the USA.
We would like to thank our fantastic lecturers, our client Mutlaq Al Ghowairi and all those who contributed to making this training session a success!
Please click here to see the programme.