On 1st - 3rd December 2016, AMITOS and the ITACET Foundation organized a two-day training session in Mexico, followed by a one-day site visit on the theme of Mechanized Tunnelling in Soft Soil.
This training session introduced the design and construction approaches for tunnelling in difficult soft soil conditions and provided an overview of all the challenges related to conventional and mechanized techniques, in addition to micro tunnelling and pipe jacking.
The session was opened by ITA representative Ray Sterling and the Executive Director of AMITOS, Mr. Roberto González Izquierdo. Lectures kicked off with an introductory presentation on the geological conditions in Mexico City and the associated geotechnical challenges that tunnelers have to face. Ray Sterling and Glenn Boyce then presented general aspects of urban tunnelling and settlement issues in particular, along with site investigation techniques in urban areas.
Methods and techniques of tunnel excavation in soft soil were presented, with high quality lectures from Herrenknecht, Robbins, Bekaert and VMT representatives.
The second day focussed on trenchless excavation methods and equipment, with examples provided through case studies. The related design and construction issues were also examined. A question and answer session rounded off the course, enabling participants to discuss any specific points with the lecturers.
Over 100 trainees attended the session in all.
Photo above, from left to right: Messrs. Carlos Frutos Garmendia (Bekaert), Gabriel Auvinet (UNAM), Roberto González Izquierdo (AMITOS), Ray Sterling (ITA), Glenn Boyce (MC McMillen Jacobs Associates), Gerhard Lang (Herrenknecht), Martin Betsch (WMT).
Photo right, from left to right: Meesrs. Roberto González Izquierdo (AMITOS) , Georg Siebert (Herrenknecht), Shinichi Konda (Robbins), Glenn Boyce (Mcmillen Jacobs Associates), Ray Sterling (ITA) and Alfredo Sanchez Gómes (AMITOS).
Click here for the revised programme in English
Click here for the revised programme in Spanish
Below left: Roberto Gonzáles Izquierdo with Ray Sterling. Below right (in front row): Messrs Alfredo Sanchez Gómes, Glenn Boyce, Ray Sterling, Roberto González Izquierdo and Shinichi Konda.
ITA Lecturers