Around one hundred participants attended the two-day training session on “Mechanised Tunnelling” held 23-24 March at the Radisson Plaza Santiago Hotel.
The objective of the course was to provide general information to young engineers and to update tunnelling professionals on topics related to Mechanised Tunnelling.
It was the first training event organized in Chile since the ITACET Foundation has been created five years ago. This event was very effectively co-organized by CTES (Chilean Commitee for Tunnelling and Underground Space of the CDT of the Chilean Construction Chamber) the ITA-AITES Chile nation member.
The Opening speech was given by Alexandre Gomes as President of CTES Chile.
In the audience were guests from People Transport Company (METRO), the Ministry of Public Works of Chile, National Corporation of Cooper (CODELCO), Energy producer Company (AES GENER S.A).
The course topics were presented in such a way as to build the basic concepts of Mechanised Tunnelling necessary for professionals.
On the first day, the theme of the lectures of the first session was “Introduction & Overview”, and the second session were devoted to “Improvement & Support systems”. On the second day the first theme was on “operation” and the second on “Management & examples”. See the program of the event for more information (Pdf) >>
The Foundation wishes to express its thanks to all the lecturers of the event, namely: Messrs Alexandre Gomes, (Geoconsult), Lars Babendererde, (Babendererde Engineers); Werner Burger, (Herrenknecht); Piergiorgio Grasso, (Geodata); Daniele Peila, (Politecnico di Torino); Hartmut Claussen (MAPEI); José María Espinosa, (Bekaert Maccaferri Underground Solutions); Lok Home, (The Robbins Company); Giorgio Höffer-Öllinger, (Geoconsult); Jean-Luc Audureau, (VINCI); Karl Grossauer, (Alto Maipo HEP construction); Francisco Avila, (HERRENKNECHT).
Finally, our thanks to all attendees for their active participation and contribution to the success of the training session.
ITA Lecturers