26/06/2014 to 27/06/2014
Mexico City - Mexico
ITACET Training session on Mechanized Tunnelling - Mexico June 26-27 2014
On 26th and 27th of June, AMITOS (Mexican Tunnelling Association) held a very successful training session on the topic of Mechanized Tunnelling.
The training session co-organized with the ITACET Foundation gathered a numerous audience of professional at the Centro Asturiano of Mexico City.
The Training session opened with welcome allocution from Mr. Suárez Fino, President of AMITOS and Mr. Eskesen, President of ITA-AITES.
To lecture on the four chosen topics, “Introduction and Overview of Mechanized Tunneling”, “Improvement & Support Systems” and “Operation and Management”, the Foundation delegated five lecturers, namely and in the order of their intervention: Messrs. Søren Eskesen, Lars Babendererde, Lok Home, Felix Amberg and Werner Burger. Manufacturers’ delegates, Mrs Karin Baeppler for Herrenknecht Gmbh and Mr. Lok Home for The Robbins Company intervened during the “Management and Operation” session to present and comment real world examples on, respectively, Tunnelling in soft ground and Rock Tunneling.
We heartily thank our friends from AMITOS for their excellent organization, our lecturers and the manufacturers’ delegates for their time and dedication to pass along their knowledge and experience, and last but not least, all the participants to this training session.
ITA Lecturers

ITACET Foundation Secretary and Treasurer

ITA Vice President

Herrenknecht AG

Soren Degn
Past ITA President & Tutor WG 14