The ITACET Foundation and the Nigerian Tunnelling Association (NTA) organized a training session on the occasion of the 4th International tunnelling and underground space conference in Lagos. The training session on the ‘Main aspects of managing underground projects’ was held on 15th November 2023. The training course provided an introduction to the main hazards in tunnelling and an understanding of critical project issues. It was held in a hybrid version, where participants attended the session physically and the lecturers joined online. The training course gathered 32 participants from both engineering and urban planning backgrounds. Companies such as KPMG Nigeria, the Lagos State Ministry of Transportation, Works and Urban Planning, the Federal Ministry of Works and the Office of the Chief of Defence were present.
Thank you to the Nigerian Tunnelling Association for their flawless organisation and to our wonderful speakers for their involvement!
Please click here to see the programme.
ITA Lecturers