28/11/2014 to 29/11/2014
San Paulo, Brazil
Press release.
CBT, the Brazilian Tunneling committee together with the ITACET Foundation organised a two-day training session on the topic of “Conventional Tunnelling in Ground”.
CBT, the Brazilian Tunneling committee together with the ITACET Foundation organised a two-day training session on the topic of “Conventional Tunnelling in Ground”.
Held in São Paulo on November 28-29th, the training session’s objective was to give information for tunnellers on the main principles and case studies of Conventional Tunnelling.
Lectures included detailed information on specific topics such as site investigation, design, construction, monitoring, contractual aspects and management.
Lectures included detailed information on specific topics such as site investigation, design, construction, monitoring, contractual aspects and management.
The training session was well attended with 160 participants. Attendees came from design and projects companies, administration, public companies and metro consortium.
The training session was opened by Mr. Hugo Cássio Rocha, president of CBT and head of the department of Civil Projects Conception at São Paulo.
The ITA-AITES ITACET committee and CBT delegated five lecturers to this event, Messrs Felix Amberg, Werner Bilfinger, Tarcísio Barreto Celestino, Piergiorgio Grasso, and Samuel Maimoni de Figueiredo.
Manufacturers delegated several lecturers to inform the audience on case studies and practical experiences in the field. Namely, Messrs Ismael Anabalon (NORMET Chile Ltd.), Armando Bernardes (Sandvik Mining and Construction), Hartmut Claussen (MAPEI), Johannes Hansson (Atlas Copco), Romeu Martinelli (SIKA) and Edvaldo Santos (Atlas Copco).
At the end of each day lectures gave way to lively open discussions between the audience and the lecturers.
As for the general satisfaction of the participants, CBT’s volunteers and secretariat did an excellent job in preparing the training session. Congratulations to our lecturers and the manufacturer’s delegate for their precious participation and support and to the attendees for their active participation and positive feedback on the event.
Pict. (CBT)
L. to R on the picture, Messrs Tarcisio Celestino, Piergiorgio Grasso and Felix Amberg during an open discussion with the participants.
ITA Lecturers

ITACET Foundation Secretary and Treasurer

Former ITA Vice President and ExCo Member