During the first day, Prof. Bai Yun introduced the audience to the Qiongzhou Strait Tunnel Proposal, a part of the Guangdong - Hainan Project. This session was followed by an open discussion between the lecturers and the audience.
Prof Eivind Grøv from the SINTEF research center then exposed Sub-sea tunneling-present status and future challenges in planning and construction.
This presentation concluded the day course and was followed by more discussion. During the evening attendants and lecturers of the event were invited to a banquet.
Prof. Yuan Dajun started the second day of this event with a lecture on "Some key theoretical researches in UDLDT". After the lunch break Prof Harald Wagner presented "Structural design for UDLDT. A subsequent discussion followed and then Prof Bai Yun concluded the training session.
Pict: T.: participating students, lecturers and organizer, from center, to the left,
Messr. Eivind Grøv, Bai Yun, and Harald Wagner. B.:Prof. Yuan Dajun during his lecture.
ITA Lecturers