Mr. Rohde is Senior Advisor with more than 40 years professional experience within engineering geology, rock engineering and underground constructions. His experience covers a big variety of projects from hydropower projects, roads and railways, water supply and sewer treatment plants, underground storage of contaminated waste, radioactive waste and defence facilities in Norway and abroad. He has been assisting in different stages of a projects lifetime from project identification and concept studies through feasibility studies, detailed design, contract preparation and negotiations as well as follow up during construction and operation.
His position in the projects varies from expert and advisory assistance, project management, discipline responsibilities, consultancy services majoring in engineering geology, construction planning and techniques, subsea tunnelling and subsea piercing, risk evaluations and impact assessments, preparation of tunnelling contracts and tender documents.
Mr. Rohde is an active member of different Norwegian and international professional societies, and is also a member of different committees working on standard specifications for underground constructions (NS3420) and risk assessments in construction works (NS 5815).
He is member of the Board of Experts on tunnelling and underground works in RIF (Association of Consulting Engineers, Norway), and is also a meber of the Tunnelling Committee of the Nordic Road Forum, NVF.
Mr. Rohde has been an active member of ITA since 1999, and is today the Animateur of ITA’s Working Group no. 15 on Underground Works and the Environment.
Today, Mr. Rohde is authorised auditor within rock engineering, rock mechanics and underground construction works.