and Road Tunnels"
100 Participants
November 12 – 13, 2011 - The Seminar for Continuing Education on Safety Operation in Metro and Road Tunnels was organized in Shanghai by TONGJI University, Shanghai Society for Civil Engineering (SSCE) and the ITACET Foundation.
The objective was to provide a general overview to the safe use and operation of metro and road tunnel systems followed by more in-depth sessions on operation (management structure and organization for emergency situations), monitoring technology, fire control (detection, passive and active fire fighting and mitigation) and research (recent research about safety in operation).
Four lecturers from the ITACET Foundation network, namely, MM. Felix Amberg, Amberg Group Amberg Engineering Ltd., Niels Peter Høj, HOJ Consulting GmbH, Dr Peter Reinke, HBI Haerter Consulting engineers and Henry A. Russell Jr. P.E. , Principal Professional Associate of PB Americas Inc. gave 15 lectures during the two days of the seminar.
The seminar was attended by more than 100 participants coming from Clients, Universities, Designers, Consultants and Operators, etc. These participant were very active asking many interesting and detailed questions to the lecturers; looking to the evaluation forms they filled up at the end of the seminar, it was clear that the participants appreciated the quality of the lectures as well as the time devoted to exchanges.
This kind of “Seminar for Continuing Education” will be repeated in the future in Shanghai and in other major Cities in China; for 2012, it will be devoted to Risk Management and Safety Issues in Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance in Tunnelling and Underground Space; it will last 5 days including increased exchanges during Round Tables.
At the occasion of this seminar the organizer represented by Mr. Bai Yun (ITA-AITES VIce President) and M. Fu De Ming granted a generous donation to the Foundation.
The complete program of the seminar is available to download >>
ITA Lecturers