Curriculum Vitae
Martin Muncke, Dipl.-Ing., German, born 1960, 1981 - 1988 study of Civil Engineering at the University of Hannover, 1988 - 1990 working as structural engineer and site supervisor, 1991 admission to the Deutsche Bundesbahn (German Federal Railways), Direction Karlsruhe, 1992 - 1993 assistant leader of regional department Karlsruhe, responsible for technology, 1994 - 1998, different jobs in the headquearters of the Deutsche Bahn AG for civil engineering, 1998 - 2007 head of civil engineering department at DB Netz AG (German Railway infrastructure operator) and Deutsche Bahn AG (TBM 1), responsible for the standards of railway bridges and tunnels.2007 emigration to Austria. Since 2007 working for the ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG (Austrian railway infrastructure operator) in different units, currently in the infrastructure strategies department. Since 2000 Chairman of the Panel of Structural Experts with UIC Rail System Forum 2003 - 2005 Vice-Animateur of ITA working group 6. 2005 - 2006 speaker of the AEIF working group for the European TSI "Safety in Railway Tunnels". Since 2010 Convenor of CEN/TC 250/SC 1/WG "Traffic loads on bridges" for preparing a revised EN 1991-2. Member in different committees of the Austrian Standardisation Institute (ASI) and other Austrian organisations.