Chairman of FIDIC Task Group 10 “Contract Form for Underground Works”
Animateur of ITA Working Group 3 “Contractual Practices”
Matthias Neuenschwander, after his MSc in civil engineering from the Swiss Institute of Technology, Zurich, and an over 30 year long career with contractors and engineering firms
specializing in large infrastructure works, established his own company Neuenschwander Consulting Engineers, Ltd., Bellinzona, Switzerland, in 2014. He is an adjudicator, an arbitrator and a door tenant with Thomas More Chambers, as well as a mediator and partner with Albert Square Mediation, London, UK.
Matthias has extensive experience in procurement, contracting, design and consulting for construction, particularly in Underground Works. He has served as the Engineer under the
Contract, as Expert Advisor to a party, Sole Adjudicator, Mediator and Member of Dispute Adjudication Boards under different jurisdictions and different contracting systems worldwide.
Matthias is the Chairman of the joint FIDIC - ITA Task Group 10, in charge of the new FIDIC Form of Contract for Underground Works. He is also the Animateur of the ITA Working Group 3 “Contractual Practices”, and is currently serving his third and final term as a member of the Committee of the Swiss Tunnelling Society.
A Swiss citizen, Matthias provides services in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.