Master in Civil Engineering (Politecnico di Torino) and PhD in Geotechnical Engineering (Rome, Padova, Milano and Torino Universities).
Current roles: Chairman Global Studio TCA LLP (UK). President GEAM Association at Politecnico Torino. Founder at eMemory and Sloweb no profit association.
Former roles: Vice President for Technical and Business Development at the Golder Associates Group of Companies
Twenty years of technical work as a geotechnical and environmental engineer on tunnels, underground mines,-- open pits, quarries, landfills, contaminated sites, brownfield redevelopments: from numerical modelling to monitoring plans and systems, to socio environmental impact and planning and monitoring work execution.
More than 30 years of working experience on the global stage, executing technical projects concerning infrastructures and land reclamation projects, building business and international groups of professional companies and global corporate services in Europe and at world wide level. Driven by international natural resources and infrastructures market dynamics knowledge, by passion for building motivated teams in professional organizations to lead change, to lead technical and business innovation. Most relevant technical projects:
XXVI winter Olympics – Technical director for more than 10 construction sites – from Bob to Free Style – and conceptualization, planning and execution of the whole system of environmental and geotechnical monitoring systems, with continual reporting and communication to authorities and stakeholders
High Speed in Italy – Strategies for the technical, administrative management of issues concerning 100+ contaminated sites along the Milano Torino line
Parco del La Donana (Aznalcollar) Spain tailing pond failure – Technical director for the geo environmental works to repair the tailing pond, restore 40+ km of damaged river bed, prepare the area for the economic and social re-development, manage the communication with stakeholders.
Risk assessment and management for 100+ of contaminated sites across Europe, on behalf of major oil companies, including technical training for their personnel, and Information management systems for the optimization of remediation plans