Jean-Louis Durville earned his Master degree in Geology from the University of Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris) in 1975. Since August 2015, Jean-Louis is a Consulting Engineer in Geology. He has extended professional experiences such as dealing with technical & economical questions, prepared for the minister (Ministry of Environment & Transportation, 2004-2015), Governmental institution in charge of Natural Hazards activity focused on Landslides & Rockfalls (2001-2004), Civil Engineering Laboratory & Research Centre as Chief of the Soil Mechanics, Rock Mechanics & Engineering Geology Division: Landslides & Rock Mechanics laboratory testing (1981-2001), Ministère des Richesses Naturelles (Quebec, 1980-1981)) in charge of landslide investigation & mapping & as Chief of the Engineering Geology group for Laboratoire Central des Ponts & Chaussées in France (1973-1980). Jean-Louis has published 80 papers in Engineering Geology & Rock Mechanics & continues to share his knowledge.