Daniela Boldini is an Associate Professor in Excavation Engineering and Safety from 2014, before at the University of Bologna and from November 2019 at the Sapienza University of Rome. She obtained a PhD in Geotechnical Engineering in 2003 at the Sapienza University of Rome and has spent research periods abroad at the Vienna University of Technology, Kyoto University and Stanford University. Currently she teaches the courses “Tunnelling and Excavation Engineering” and “Seismic Hazard and Land Protection” at the Sapienza University of Rome and “Underground Constructions” at the University of Bologna. Her research interests are focused on the constitutive and numerical modelling of geomaterials, soil-structure interaction problems in static and dynamic conditions and the behaviour of shallow and deep tunnels. She co-authored more than 170 scientific publications and was the supervisor of many bachelor, master and Ph.D. theses. She is the corresponding member of the ISSMGE Technical Committee “Underground Construction in Soft Ground”. She is a member of the editorial board of the international journals “Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering”, “Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology” and “Geoenvironmental Disasters”. She was and is the principal investigator of research contracts and consultant activities related to underground constructions.