Benoit de Rivaz is trained as a Civil Engineer from the University of Paris VI, a Postgraduate of “Center of higher studies on reinforced and prestressed concrete”.
Currently, Benoit is a Global Technical and Business Development Manager for Bekaert Underground Solutions. He has been working for more than 20 years on the technical development of FRC for underground solutions. He has been involved in many big international projects worldwide, R&D programs, and partnerships. An author of more than sixty papers published in international conferences worldwide and magazines, he is also a member of international committees such as ITA WG12, ITA TECH (Steering Board), EFNARC (Vice President), AFTES, and ASQUAPRO.
In addition to his impressive publication record, Benoit has also contributed as co-author to the development of important guidelines, such as the RECOMMENDATION OF AFTES N°GT38R1A1 Design, dimensioning, and execution of precast steel fiber-reinforced concrete arch segments, ITAtech Report n°9 - Guideline For Good Practice of Fiber Reinforced Precast Segment, ITAtech report N°7 ITAtech Design Guidance for precast fiber-reinforced concrete segments (first chairman), ITA WG2 Research report N°22 Guideline for the Design of Segmental Tunnel Linings (ITA’s reviewers), and ASQUAPRO Wet-Mix Sprayed Concrete for Permanent Application.
Before 2002, he spent almost 10 years working for a main French contractor as a job site engineer for tunnelling projects in different international "drill and blast" projects, including France's A43 Aiguebelle Hurtieres, Switzerland's Cern, Croatia's Veliki Glozak, and China's nuclear power point Daya Bay. He also spent 3 years in international NGOs in Cambodia in a refugee camp, ex-Yugoslavia, and Romania.