140 Participants
The International Symposium "Tunnels and Shotcrete Technologies", organized by the CTES-Chile, with the support and endorsement of the ITACET Foundation of the ITA-AITES, has been held at Espacio Riesco, Santiago, Chile on the 26th and 27th March 2012, attracting over 140 professionals of the Chilean and South American tunneling industry.
The two days Symposium was subdivided in a theoretical and a practical module. The first module comprised of one and a half day of tunneling and shotcrete technology topics, lectured by prominent international and local speakers. In the second module, which took half a day, assistants had the opportunity to see large scale in situ wet and dry shotcrete application demonstrations as well as quality control methods.
In terms of organization, the International Symposium has been a great challenge for the CTES-Chile. It was the first international event organized by the CTES-Chile, which was barely completing its first year of activity. The event was a success, what was confirmed by the very positive attendee's evaluations. Delegates were able to obtain relevant technical information, listen to top-level speakers and also to visit five leading international exhibitors during the breaks. The event has also helped the further diffusion of the CTES-Chile in the local industry, increasing the industry knowledge on it and bringing new affiliates to the Committee.