Riyadh (KSA) Ministry of Transport
The ministry of transport organized with the ITA-CET Foundation, an event intended to raise awareness and further the education of every party involved in transport and infrastructure planning, construction and management. The topics studied included: landslides risk prevision and management in relation with tunnelling, rock falls and protection techniques in relation with transport infrastructures.
The training lasted for three days, 25 to 27 January 2016. It was hosted within the Ministry of Transport by H.E Eng. Abdullah Al-Mogbel, Minister of Transport and President of the ITA-CET Foundation.
The first two days treated the topic of "Tunnelling" and "Landslides".
The course aimed to explain and demonstrate the means of identifying and dealing with difficulties linked to unstable mountain slopes and hillsides (especially the risk of landslides). It outlined the main principles and provides theoretical and operational tools enabling participants to understand and deal with such issues.
The training started with a welcome and opening words from Eng. Hathlool Hussein Alhalthool, Deputy Minister for Roads. (pict. Top).
This was followed by a technical introduction by Eng. Abdulrahman Alamri from the Ministry of Transports. The ITA-CET Foundation delegated five lecturers, namely Messrs Andre Assis, Michel Deffayet, Piergiorgio Grasso, Daniele Peila and Harald Wagner.
The course was very appreciated by the 100 participants, who also enjoyed the free discussion organized with the lecturers at the end of each day. Participants especially highlighted the competence of the lecturers and the high quality of their intervention.
The third day of the event was a special training day on the topic of “Rockfall and Protection Techniques”. The core of this course as well the several reviews of cases history at the program complemented the lectures given during the prior two-day training session on “Tunnelling and Landslides".
The program of the course was untrusted to a renowned specialist in the field of Rockfall Protection Technique, Prof. Daniele Peila from the Polytechnic University of Torino.
The program saw in alternately, theoretical lectures by Prof. Peila and Jean-Louis Durville and intervention of delegates from contractors companies specialized in the field, namely the companies Geobrugg, Maccaferri and SWS, who spoke of practical cases they encountered during their activities.
The audience was very active and submitted numerous questions to the lecturers. The toggle between theoretical courses and practical explanation of case histories was also very much appreciated by all participants.
ITA Lecturers