The aim of this one-day course was to provide an introduction to risk management processes with a general overview of contractual practices.
The Nepal Tunnelling Association (NTA), the International Tunnelling Association (ITA) and the ITACET Foundation jointly organized a one-day training session on ‘Risk Management and Contractual Practices” on 29th September 2016 in Kathmandu, Nepal. Experts from the Foundation for Education and Training on Tunnelling and Underground Space Use (ITACET), promoted by the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA-AITES) conducted this training session. The session was supported by the Independent Power Producers’ Association, Nepal (IPPAN). 209 participants from Nepal, Bhutan, India and Australia attended this training session, which was jointly inaugurated by NTA President Dr. Sandip Shah and ITACET Foundation lecurer Dean Brox, with a short speech.
This training session, aimed at investors, engineers and geologists in field of tunnelling, covered the following topics:
- Specificities of subsurface construction projects, main risks; roles and expectations of the key players
- Introduction to risk management concepts
- Site investigation process & responsibilities – dealing with uncertainties
- Geotechnical reports
- Hazard identification & risk registers in the design process
- Project delivery methods (design/bid/build; design/build), responsibilities & consequences)
- Contractual documentation, types of contracts, tendering & contract award
- Construction contracts & schedule management during construction – organisation & responsibilities
- Case studies: examples of construction design contracts & lessons learned
Dean Brox, an internationally renowned expert gave full-day lecture on these topics.
This training session enabled the participants to acquire the necessary knowledge to identify and manage project risks and understand contract types, documents and responsibilities. A certificate was distributed to all participants.
NTA distributed a token of appreciation to speaker Dean Brox and sponsors.
All photos courtesy of the Nepal Tunnelling Association