On 12th and 13th of September, the ITACET Foundation on behalf of ITA-AITES member Nation of Bhutan, represented by the Druk Green Power Corporation, organized a two-day training session in Thimphu (Bhutan) on the topic of “Conventional Tunnelling”.
This was the first Training session organized in Bhutan by the Foundation. The program covered the main aspects of conventional Tunnelling, and was divided in four session: Introduction and Site investigation; Design aspects; Construction and Monitoring and Management and Examples. 60 persons attended.
Four lecturers were delegated by the ITA-AITES ITACET committee, namely Messrs. Søren Degn Eskesen (DK) Cowi AS - ITA-AITES President, Harald Wagner – (A) Consulting Engineer, expert member of ITA-AITES's Executive Council, Robert Galler (A) Professor Leoben MontanUniversity and ITACET committee chairman and Alain Poloni (F) Senior manager Eiffage .
Manufacturer’s delegates Messrs. Nitin Garg (IND) Senior manager at Sandvik Mining and Construction and Milon Mukhopadhyay (IND) Managing director of Normet India Pvt intervened during the “construction & Monitoring” session to comment practical examples.
Jaiprakash Associates, Hindustan Construction company, Ugen Earthmovers and Atlas Copco financially participated to the organization of the training session.
We heartily thank our lecturers and the manufacturers’ delegates for their time and dedication to pass along their knowledge and experience, and all the participants of the training session for their interest.
The program of the event is available here >>
ITA Lecturers